Basic First Aid Course
Basic First Aid Training & Certificate with Online Verification
Lunima safety solution Offers Basic First Aid Training, The first aid training and certification process takes just a few hours to complete, but can help you deliver the care that someone needs while waiting for medical professionals to arrive.
A basic first aid course should cover essential emergency situations and prepare candidates to deliver life-saving first aid. We’ve compiled a list of the most important first aid training topics to cover in a Basic First Aid (BFA) training course. Basic first aid training courses are often shorter courses without the time to cover more advanced first aid training techniques and subject areas.
A basic first aid training course should cover these topics through a mix of theory (classroom) and practical activities. First aid is a practical skill, therefore hands-on practice is essential to learn these basic lifesaving skills
Introductory topics
- Aims of first aid & the role of a first aider
- Incident management
- Communicating with a patient
- Contents of a first aid kit
Lifesaving skills
- Primary survey
- The recovery position / safe airway position
- The chain of survival
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Using an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- Choking
Major hemorrhage (bleeding)
- Recognition and treatment of shock
- Burns & scalds
- Fractures (broken bones)
- Minor injuries